Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.
Post by ANDREA on Nov 9, 2013 10:45:19 GMT -7
THE CANON LIST , adults are available to use , reservations at bottom of thread
jane megan doe (available) jane megan doe (reserved) jane megan doe (taken) jane megan doe (deceased)
[/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; EUAN and GENEVIEVE [nee DORMER] [/ul] & & ____ ____ abercrombie twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ abercrombie nineteen sophomore & Ackerley, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; STEWART and LISA [nee TURPIN] [/ul] & & ____ ____ ackerley twenty junior & & & ____ ____ ackerley nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ ackerley eighteen freshman & Avery, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; APOLLO and ADORA [nee WHITE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ avery twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ avery twenty junior & & & ____ ____ avery eighteen freshman & Aubrey, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; JAMESON and MELINDA [nee EMERY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ aubrey twenty one senior & Baddock, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; MALCOLM and CIRCE [nee THISTLE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ baddock twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ baddock twenty junior & Bannon, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; JACOB and MARIA [nee SIMPSON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ bannon twenty junior & Barbary, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; HEATHCOTE and EVELYN [nee BOLE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ barbary nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ barbary eighteen freshman & Belby, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; MARCUS and JEANNIE [nee CREST] [/ul] & & ____ ____ belby twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ belby twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ belby twenty junior & Bletchley, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; MILES and CALLIOPE [nee BLACKWOOD] [/ul] & & ____ ____ bletchley twenty one senior & Bludd, [/font][/font] TAINTED; BLODWYN and SOPHIA [nee DEVEREAUX] [/ul] & & ____ ____ bludd twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ bludd nineteen sophomore & Bole, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; CHRISTOPHER and TANYA [nee PHILLIPS] [/ul] & & ____ ____ bole nineteen sophomore & Boot, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; TERRY and ROSE [nee ZELLER] [/ul] & & ____ ____ boot twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ boot nineteen sophomore & Bradley, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; BRENDAN and HELEN [nee COX] [/ul] & & ____ ____ bradley twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ bradley twenty junior & & & ____ ____ bradley eighteen freshman & Burke, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; EVANDER and OPAL [nee HORNBY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ burke twenty junior & & & ____ ____ burke eighteen freshman & Cadwallader, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; STEWART and LISA [nee TURPIN] [/ul] & & ____ ____ cadwallader twenty-one senior & & & ____ ____ cadwallader twenty junior & & & ____ ____ cadwallader twenty junior & Capper, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; EVERETT and MINDY [nee FAIRFAX] [/ul] & & ____ ____ capper nineteen sophomore & Carmichael, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; EDDIE and PARVATI [nee PATIL] [/ul] & & ____ ____ carmichael twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ carmichael twenty one senior & Cattermole, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; PAXTON and LILLIAN [nee GOLDSTEIN] [/ul] & & ____ ____ cattermole twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ cattermole twenty junior & & & ____ ____ cattermole eighteen freshman & Cauldwell, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; OWEN and WILLOW [nee WILKES] [/ul] & & ____ ____ cauldwell twenty junior & & & ____ ____ cauldwell nineteen sophomore & Chambers, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; JEFFREY and BRIANNA [nee SHEPPARD] [/ul] & & ____ ____ chambers twenty junior & & & ____ ____ chambers nineteen sophomore & Coote, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; RITCHIE and MEGAN [nee JONES] [/ul] & & ____ ____ coote twenty junior & & & ____ ____ coote twenty junior & & & ____ ____ coote nineteen sophomore & Corner, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; MICHAEL and SU [nee LI] [/ul] & & ____ ____ corner twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ corner twenty junior & & & ____ ____ corner nineteen sophomore & Cornfoot, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; STEPHEN and MARIETTA [nee EDGECOMBE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ cornfoot twenty junior & Creevey, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; COLIN and ELEANOR [nee BRANSTONE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ creevey twenty one senior & Creevey, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; DENNIS and HANNAH [nee ABBOTT] [/ul] & & ____ ____ creevey twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ creevey twenty junior & & & ____ ____ creevey nineteen sophomore & Cresswell, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; KELLER and TEAGAN [nee O'HURLEY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ cresswell twenty junior & & & ____ ____ cresswell nineteen sophomore & Davies, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; ROGER and CHO [nee CHANG] [/ul] & & ____ ____ davies twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ davies twenty junior & & & ____ ____ davies nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ davies nineteen sophomore & D’eath, [/font][/font] TAINTED; LORCAN and ZURIE [nee FRECCESNI] [/ul] & & ____ ____ d’eath twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ d’eath twenty junior & & & ____ ____ d’eath nineteen sophomore & & & valena alana d’eath eighteen freshman & & & ____ ____ d’eath eighteen freshman & Derek, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; SEAN and ATHENA [nee AESELON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ derek twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ derek nineteen sophomore & Derrick, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; MONTGOMERY and NINA [nee TURPIN] [/ul] & & ____ ____ derrick twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ derrick twenty one senior & Dingle, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; HAROLD and HELENA [nee HIGGS] [/ul] & & ____ ____ dingle twenty junior & Entwhistle, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; KEVIN and VIVIENNE [nee PAULSON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ entwhistle twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ entwhistle twenty junior & Finch-fletchley, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; JUSTIN and EMILY [nee STONE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ finch-fletchley twenty one senior & Finnegan, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; SEAMUS and LAVENDAR [nee BROWN] [/ul] & & ____ ____ finnegan twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ finnegan twenty junior & & & ____ ____ finnegan nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ finnegan eighteen freshman & Flint, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; MARCUS and TRACEY [nee DAVIS] [/ul] & & ____ ____ flint twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ flint twenty junior & Goldstein, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; ANTHONY and VICTORIA [nee FROBISHER] [/ul] & & ____ ____ goldstein twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ goldstein twenty junior & & & ____ ____ goldstein eighteen freshman & Goyle, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; GREGGORY and MEAVELYN [nee BADDOCK] [/ul] & & vincent ____ goyle twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ goyle eighteen freshman & Greyback, [/font][/font] TAINTED; FENRIR and VARIOUS WOMEN [/ul] & & ____ ____ greyback twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ greyback twenty junior & & & ____ ____ greyback nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ greyback nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ greyback eighteen freshman & Harper, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; TERENCE and WENDY [nee JOYCE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ harper twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ harper nineteen sophomore & Higgs, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; JAMESON and MELINDA [nee EMERY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ higgs nineteenn sophomore & Hooper, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; GEOFFREY and MODESTY [nee WILLIAMS] [/ul] & & ____ ____ hooper nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ hooper twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ hooper eighteen freshman & Hopkins, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; MALCOLM and CIRCE [nee THISTLE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ hopkins twenty junior & & & ____ ____ hopkins nineteen sophomore & Johnson, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; JOEL and VIOLET [nee SNOW] [/ul] & & ____ ____ johnson twenty one senior & Jordan, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; LEE and DEMELZA [nee ROBINS] [/ul] & & ____ ____ jordan twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ jordan nineteen sophomore & Kelsey, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; LEROY and YUKA [nee TACHIKAWA] [/ul] & & ____ ____ kelsey twenty junior & & & ____ ____ kelsey eighteen freshman & Kirke, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; ANDREW and KENNEDY [nee CLARK] [/ul] & & ____ ____ kirke twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ kirke twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ kirke twenty junior & & & ____ ____ kirke eighteen freshman & Krum, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; VIKTOR and BELLADONA [nee HASTINGS] [/ul] & & aleksander ivanov krum twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ krum twenty junior & Linely, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; HENRY and LUCILLE [nee BAKER] [/ul] & & ____ ____ linely twenty junior & Longbottom, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; NEVILLE and JOSIE [nee SHUNPIKE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ longbottom twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ longbottom twenty junior & & & ____ ____ longbottom nineteen sophomore & Lupin, [/font][/font] TAINTED; REMUS and NYMPHADORA [nee TONKS]
[/ul] & & theodore remus lupin twenty seven graduate [/div][/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/div]
Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.
Post by ANDREA on Nov 14, 2013 11:33:04 GMT -7
THE CANON LIST , adults are available to use , reservations at bottom of thread
[/font] HALFBLOOD; ERNIE and CORRINE [nee HERRINGTON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ macmillan twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ macmillan twenty junior & & & ____ ____ macmillan twenty junior & & & ____ ____ macmillan twenty junior & Macnair, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; LOKI and NIRVANA [nee TATE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ macnair twenty junior & & & ____ ____ macnair nineteen sophomore & Malfoy, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; DRACO and ASTORIA [nee GREENGRASS] [/ul] & & scorpius hyperion malfoy twenty junior Mclaggen, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; MALCOLM and CIRCE [nee THISTLE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ mclaggen twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ mclaggen twenty junior & Montague, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; LEANDER and FERN [nee TYLER] [/ul] & & ____ ____ montague twenty junior & Nott, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; THEODORE and DAPHNE [nee GREENGRASS] [/ul] & & ____ ____ nott twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ nott twenty junior & & & ____ ____ nott eighteen freshman & & & ____ ____ nott eighteen freshman & Peakes, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; JIMMY and LAURA [nee MADLEY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ peakes nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ peakes eighteen freshman & Polakov, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; KRISTOPHE and ADRIANNA [nee NEMKOVA] [/ul] & & ____ ____ polakov twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ polakov nineteen sophomore & Potter, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; HARRY and GINEVRA [nee WEASLEY] [/ul] & & james sirius potter twenty one senior & & & albus severus potter twenty junior & & & lily luna potter nineteen freshman Pritchard, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; GRAHAM and ELOUISE [nee STEBBINS] [/ul] & & ____ ____ pritchard eighteen freshman & Pucey, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; ADRIAN and JOLYNDA [nee SYKES] [/ul] & & ____ ____ pucey twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ pucey twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ pucey twenty junior & & & ____ ____ pucey eighteen freshman & Rookwood, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; OCTAVIAN and ELIZABETH [nee FROST] [/ul] & & ____ ____ rookwood twenty junior & & & ____ ____ rookwood nineteen sophomore & Roper, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; LINUS and CATARINA [nee BORGIN] [/ul] & & ____ ____ roper twenty junior & & & ____ ____ roper nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ roper eighteen freshman & Rosier, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; MIKAEL and AZURE [nee VINCENT] [/ul] & & ____ ____ rosier twenty one senior & Sanguini, [/font][/font] TAINTED; MARDUK and RILEY [nee JACKSON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ sanguini twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ sanguini twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ sanguini twenty junior & & & ____ ____ sanguini eighteen freshman & & & ____ ____ sanguini eighteen freshman & Scamander, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; ROLF and LUNA [nee LOVEGOOD] [/ul] & & lorcan ____ scamander eighteen freshman & & & lysander ____ scamander eighteen freshman & Selwyn, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; LUCIEN and ARIADNE [nee PUCEY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ selwyn twenty junior & & & ____ ____ selwyn nineteen sophomore & Shunpike, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; STAN and MINA [nee KELLEY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ shunpike twenty one senior & Sloper, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; JACK and NATALIE [nee MCDONALD] [/ul] & & ____ ____ sloper twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ sloper twenty junior & Smith, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; ZACHARIAS and JANET [nee TAYLOR] [/ul] & & ____ ____ smith twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ smith twenty junior & & & ____ ____ smith nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ smith freshman year & Stebbins, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; EZEKIAL and SALLY [nee FAWCETT] [/ul] & & ____ ____ stebbins twenty junior & Summerby, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; DARREN and SUZANNAH [nee BRETTON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ summerby twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ summerby nineteen sophomore & Summers, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; JAXON and GWENDOLYN [nee ROY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ summers twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ summers twenty junior & & & ____ ____ summers eighteen freshman & Thomas, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; DEAN and ROMILDA [nee VANE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ thomas twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ thomas twenty junior & & & ____ ____ thomas eighteen freshman & Towler, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; KENNETH and LUANNE [nee SHENZY] [/ul] & & ____ ____ towler twenty junior & Urquhart, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; ABRAHAM and HESTIA [nee LANGE] [/ul] & & ____ ____ urquhart twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ urquhart nineteen sophomore & Vaisey, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; MAXWELL and PENELOPE [nee CLEARWATER] [/ul] & & ____ ____ vaisey twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ vaisey twenty junior & & & ____ ____ vaisey nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ vaisey eighteen freshman & Wagtail, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; MYRON and PATRICIA [nee STIMPSON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ wagtail twenty junior & & & ____ ____ wagtail nineteen sophomore & & & ____ ____ wagtail eighteen freshman & Warrington, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; JONAS and TATIANNA [nee KENSINGTON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ warrington twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ warrington twenty junior & Watson, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; PARKER and ANGEL [nee SMITH] [/ul] & & ____ ____ watson twenty junior & Weasley, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; BILL and FLEUR [nee DELACOUR] [/ul] & & victoire amelie weasley twenty five graduate & & & dominque____ weasley nineteen sophomore & & & louis ____ weasley eighteen freshman & Weasley, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; GEORGE and ANGELINA [nee JOHNSON] [/ul] & & fred ____ weasley twenty junior & & & roxanne cedrella weasley nineteen sophomore & Weasley, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; PERCY and AUDREY [nee RHEESE] [/ul] & & molly ____ weasley nineteen sophomore & & & lucy ____ weasley eighteen freshman & Weasley, [/font][/font] HALFBLOOD; RONALD and HERMIONE [nee GRANGER] [/ul] & & rose artemis weasley twenty junior & & & hugo ____ weasley eighteen freshman & Whitby, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; KEVIN and SONYA [nee WILSON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ whitby twenty one senior & Wilkes, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; REGINALD and ALICIA [nee SPINNET] [/ul] & & ____ ____ wilkes twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ wilkes nineteen sophomore & Williams, [/font][/font] MUGGLEBORN; CHARLES and DAKOTA [nee QUIGLEY] [/ul] & & katherine rose williams nineteen sophomore & Wood, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; OLIVER and KATIE [nee BELL [/ul] & & ____ ____ wood twenty one senior & & & ____ ____ wood nineteen sophomore & & & ____ _____ wood eighteen freshman & Yaxley, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; DAMION and VERONICA [nee WARRINGTON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ yaxley twenty junior & Zabini, [/font][/font] PUREBLOOD; BLAISE and PANSY [nee PARKINSON] [/ul] & & ____ ____ zabini twenty one senior & & & blaise elias zabini jr twenty junior & RESERVATION CODE & character name age & year [div style="text-align:center;float:left;width:15px;margin-left:30px;margin-bottom:2px;text-transform:uppercase;background-color:#1f252b;height:17px;margin-left:5px;"][font face=“arial” size=“1”]&[/font][/div] [div style="text-align:center;float:left;width:170px;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:2px;text-transform:uppercase;background-color:#262525;height:17px;"][font face="arial" size="1"]character name[/font][/div] [div style="text-align:center;float:left;width:150px;margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:2px;text-transform:uppercase;background-color:#262525;height:17px;"][font face="arial" size="1"]age & year[/font][/div] [/div][/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/div][/font]
i can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.
Post by SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY on Nov 14, 2013 12:14:57 GMT -7
& scorpius hyperion malfoy twenty & junior
Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.
Post by ANDREA on Nov 14, 2013 12:16:09 GMT -7
RESERVATION ACCEPTED SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY, your reservation has been accepted and added to the canon list. the reservation ends on november twenty first.
Post by LILY LUNA POTTER on Nov 16, 2013 16:20:04 GMT -7
Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.
Post by ANDREA on Nov 16, 2013 16:31:59 GMT -7
RESERVATION ACCEPTED LILY LUNA POTTER, your reservation has been accepted and added to the canon list. the reservation ends on november twenty third.
Post by ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER on Nov 16, 2013 18:05:38 GMT -7
You Wait Year by Year, Month by Month, Day by Day, Until It Is Your Day
Post by SVET on Nov 16, 2013 18:15:15 GMT -7
RESERVATION ACCEPTED ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER, your reservation has been accepted and added to the canon list. the reservation ends on november twenty third.
Post by VICTOIRE AMELIE WEASLEY on Nov 16, 2013 21:01:39 GMT -7
& victoire amelie weasley 25 & graduated
You Wait Year by Year, Month by Month, Day by Day, Until It Is Your Day
Post by SVET on Nov 16, 2013 21:03:25 GMT -7
RESERVATION ACCEPTED VICTOIRE AMELIE WEASLEY, your reservation has been accepted and added to the canon list. the reservation ends on november twenty third.
Post by nikki on Nov 20, 2013 10:21:09 GMT -7
Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have.
Post by ANDREA on Nov 20, 2013 10:26:52 GMT -7
RESERVATION ACCEPTED nikki, your reservation has been accepted and added to the canon list. the reservation ends on november twenty seventh.
Post by ROSE ARTEMIS WEASLEY on Nov 20, 2013 17:00:51 GMT -7
Post by ISABELLA on Nov 20, 2013 17:08:46 GMT -7
RESERVATION ACCEPTED ROSE ARTEMIS WEASLEY, your reservation has been accepted and added to the canon list. the reservation ends on november twenty seventh.
Post by ALEKSANDER IVANOV KRUM on Nov 21, 2013 20:25:44 GMT -7